无卤阻燃PC 9425增强20%,高粘度
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 12500 公斤
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2017-10-16 09:30
浏览次数: 137
手机号: 13929209907
电话: 0769-87781190

[Datasheet Makrolon 9425]数据
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 5.0 cm3/10 min; 20 % glass fiber reinforced; chlorine- and bromine-free flame retardancy; UL 94V-0/1.5 mm and 5VA/3.0 mm; high viscosity; easy release

☆These property characteristics are taken from the CAMPUS plastics data bank and are based on the international catalogue of basic data for plastics according to ISO 10350. 
Impact properties: N = non-break, P = partial break, C = complete break 

ISO Shortname:ISO 7391-PC,MFR,(,,)-05-3,GF20
PropertyTest ConditionUnitStandardValue
Rheological properties
Melt volume-flow rate300℃;1.2 kgcm3/10 minISO 11335
Molding shrinkage,parallel60x60x2 mm;500 bar%ISO 294-40.35
Molding shrinkage,normal60x60x2 mm;500 bar%ISO 294-40.45
.Molding shrinkage,parallel/normal值的范围一般实践经验的基础上%b.o.ISO 25770.3 - 0.5
.Melt mass-flow rate300℃;1.2 kgg/10 minISO 11336
Mechanical properties(23℃/50 % r.h.)
Tensile modulus1 mm/minMPaISO 527-1,-25800
Stress at break5 mm/minMPaISO 527-1,-286
Strain at break5 mm/min%ISO 527-1,-22.6
Tensile creep modulus1 hMPaISO 899-15700
Tensile creep modulus1000 hMPaISO 899-15200
.Flexural modulus2 mm/minMPaISO 1785500
.Flexural strength2 mm/minMPaISO 178135
.Flexural strain at flexural strength2 mm/min%ISO 1783.5
Charpy impact strength23℃kJ/m2ISO 179-1eU40C
Charpy impact strength-30℃kJ/m2ISO 179-1eU50C
.Charpy impact strength-60℃kJ/m2ISO 179-1eU50C
.Charpy notched impact strength23℃;3 mmkJ/m2ISO 7391/b.o.ISO 179-1eA8C
.Izod notched impact strength23℃;3.2 mmkJ/m2b.o.ISO 180-A8C
Puncture maximum force23℃NISO 6603-2900
Puncture maximum force-30℃NISO 6603-2900
Puncture energy23℃JISO 6603-25
Puncture energy-30℃JISO 6603-25
.Ball indentation hardness.N/mm2ISO 2039-1148
Thermal properties
Temperature of deflection under load1.80 MPaISO 75-1,-2138
Temperature of deflection under load0.45 MPaISO 75-1,-2142
Vicat softening temperature50 N;50℃/hISO 306146
.Vicat softening temperature50 N;120℃/hISO 306148
线性热膨胀系数,并行23 to 55℃10-4/KISO 11359-1,-20.3
横向线性热膨胀系数23 to 55℃10-4/KISO 11359-1,-20.65
燃烧性能UL94(1.5毫米)[UL认可]1.5 mmClassUL 94V-0
.燃烧性UL94 [UL认可]0.5 mmClassUL 94V-2
燃烧性能UL94-5V[UL认可]3.0 mmClassUL 945VA
Oxygen indexMethod A%ISO 4589-235
.Thermal conductivity23℃W/(m·K)ISO 83020.23
.耐热(球压试验).IEC 60695-10-2136
.相对温度指数(拉伸强度)[UL认可]1.5 mmUL 746B125
.相对温度指数(拉伸冲击强度)[UL认可]1.5 mmUL 746B125
.相对温度指数(介电强度)[UL认可]1.5 mmUL 746B130
.Glow wire test(GWFI)0.75 mmIEC 60695-2-12960
.Glow wire test(GWFI)1.5 mmIEC 60695-2-12960
.Glow wire test(GWFI)3.0 mmIEC 60695-2-12960
.Glow wire test(GWIT)0.75 mmIEC 60695-2-13875
.Glow wire test(GWIT)1.5 mmIEC 60695-2-13875
.Glow wire test(GWIT)3.0 mmIEC 60695-2-13875
.来自小燃烧器的火焰中的应用Method K and F;2.0 mmClassDIN 53438-1,-3K1,F1
.来自小燃烧器的火焰中的应用2 mmClassDIN 4102B2
.Needle flame testMethod K;1.5 mmsIEC 60695-11-560
.Needle flame testMethod K;2.0 mmsIEC 60695-11-5120
.Needle flame testMethod K;3.0 mmsIEC 60695-11-5120
.Needle flame testMethod F;1.5 mmsIEC 60695-11-5120
.Needle flame testMethod F;2.0 mmsIEC 60695-11-5120
.Needle flame testMethod F;3.0 mmsIEC 60695-11-5120
.Burning rate(US-FMVSS)>=1.0 mmmm/minISO 3795passed
.Flash ignition temperature.ASTM D1929470
.Self ignition temperature.ASTM D1929550
Electrical properties(23℃/50 % r.h.)
Relative permittivity100 Hz-IEC 602503.3
Relative permittivity1 MHz-IEC 602503.3
Dissipation factor100 Hz10月4日IEC 6025010
Dissipation factor1 MHz10月4日IEC 6025090
Volume resistivity.Ohm·mIEC 600931.00E+14